October 15, 2012

Fear of the Unknown

We as humans are a race which likes to conquer the farthest corners of the universe, be without fear to face the unknown, face it with a courage that the unknown is forced down on its knees cowering with fear... that relentless and fearless our we, humans. Is it?

There are many a phenomena that the human mind still has to discover, analyse and understand, from why the structures of chloroplast and hemoglobin have an uncanny similarity, to the role the gene pool plays in the defining of a person (all topics for another day).

One phenomenon which has often caused a fear in the human psyche and has made many of us a bumbling idiot is the small talk with a stranger. We can talk for hours to people we have got to know over the years about the most inane of things, share the most personal of our life details with them; often not worrying whether the other person is still interested or not.

Most of us are able to chat up with strangers if it does not involve having a meaningful conversation. We can go and carry out a normal transaction at the newly opened neighborhood shop, sniffing at the air, trying to find out the value of the place for self on a day to day basis. But when the conversations and interactions are required for a social event, we tend to dry up fast with the topics to discuss. The 'safe topics' for conversations such as the weather, the headlines of the day, the latest movies, music etc. soon loose the sheen.

Why, why do we tend to remain all bottled up when we can extend a smile and a few words could make the person a friend from someone we had met somewhere? Is it because we fear to be judged, or is it because we fear that the other person may take something we say or do as an offence or is it more due to the fact that we would rather keep up the walls around us at any cost.

Often it is due to the walls we keep on building around us that make it difficult for us to have a human approach to the others. There are many a prejudices, the hurt, the guilt, the pangs of jealousy that we have faced at another time, another person that cause us to act in a certain manner. The walls that have grown as a result of a self-preservation mechanism that all organisms have, humans inclusive.

Yes, unfortunately, even when we tend to think of ourselves as the God's favored ones, we really are just part of a bigger scheme with a limited role in it.

The self -preservation or the vanity that humans have makes us fear the unknown.

If one observes a child,  it is seen that s(he) is not afraid of anything, loves to explore every nook and corner with glee. No fear. It is often the parents who put the fear in a child's heart, be it the fear of the dark (with warnings, there is a monster) or be it the fear of heights (be careful, you'll hurt yourself).

Why do we tend to do that? Is it because we want to save our child the pains that we had gone through growing up or is it because we want to known and seen as the perfect parent? Whatever it might be, we often end up scarring the child for life with our fears.

Once we are able to overcome this fear of the unknown, we would be able to break down the walls we build around us and would find it easier to be more trusting and forthcoming in our day to day life.

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