October 26, 2017


Moving forward, lost in thoughts
  Shall I discover future that I dream of
Or from the ocean of memories
  Shall  I encounter the  Wintery chill in all its glory

Shall the sky spread its warm embrace
Or is it just a mirage
In front of me which seduces me

Turbulent and vivacious,
Should I flow with it,
Curious as I am.

Shall it give me it's bounty
 Or is it a chimera, a delusion, phantoms
Anticipating, waiting

Like a lost friend, it beguiles,
Reminding of times gone by
Ripples on the river of memories.

October 21, 2017


Because I could not fancy the longings
These did kindly desire for me.
I don't quite like the fact these,
learned to desire before I knew how to yearn.

I must cease, Must I cease?
the strange cravings again,
The uneasy, jittery, anxious, strained craving,
Crazy it is, this craving.
It does cease, it does desire,
again and again
Should it cling also?

The loneliness, however, hard it tries,
will always be existential.
Now experiential is just the thing
To make me wonder if this loneliness is conjectural.


What have you wrought?
A shadow of chaos as perceptions writhe.
Once we had savoured wonder, untainted and wide-eyed,
but your thirst for more and more soured it
A vengeful morass of memories -
an obscurity follows the blackness,
numbness follows the pain.

A love burnt to ashes,
in a torrent of wrath.
I promise to rise again,
rise again with all my might.

World shall condemn you,
To a solitary and drudgery filled life.
I am consumed,
consumed by a turmoil to ameliorate or annihilate.