November 07, 2011


When was the last time you took a break and looked at the stars?

I recall as a child sleeping outside under the open skies. Often spent many a night watching the twinkling stars way way past the sleeping time. Way past everyone had slept, trying to count all the stars not just in my view but an ambition of counting in the whole sky!

My logic was earth rotates and so I could count all of them, just had to make sure I stayed up that long for the whole sky to pass my view. Every night I tried to keep my eyes open long enough, rarely ever crossed 500 before stars lulled me into sleep. But did I give up. No. I tried and succeeded at making my elder sibling to join me in the noble cause of solving the question of how many stars in sky. Alas! He was never as motivated as me and often slept leaving me counting all by myself.

With age the ambition of counting the stars was left behind. More important matters such as classes, heartaches and heartbreaks took over but whenever I could not sleep I often would spend the night gazing at the twinkling stars till the time stars gave up their fight to light up the skies and submitted to the warm embrace of the rising sun.

Sorely miss the days of star gazing coz now when I look up at the skies for the reassuring twinkling all I see is the lonely moon trying to dispel all the darkness, but fails since it shines with borrowed life.

I wish I could give my son the joy of gazing at the night sky with all the stars twinkling as if only for you. The urban lights have engulfed the night sky and the only time we get to see the stars is when we visit a planetarium. Hope that in the madness of growing our cities and fulfilling our dreams we don't loose out on the small joys forever.

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