Good and evil are two sides of the same coin. Good cannot exist without the evil, evil cannot exist without the good. When we try and separate the two terms so as to make them independent of each-other, these loose the identity. According to the Vedanta philosophers, the difference between good and evil is not so much as of the 'kind' but more of the 'degree' (something which is similar to the difference between light and darkness, which in turn are often cited as an example for differentiating between good and evil... when there is absence of light, darkness is said to exist)
Something which appears to be good to one person may seem like evil to another or what appears to be good in one situation may be evil in another. Water, the giver of life can turn destructive and destroy everything in its path, if its energy is not harnessed.
Who determines what is good and what is evil? Good and evil are determined by us, our minds; if it fulfills our needs and makes us feel satisfied, it is said to be good. If it is unable to do any good for us, it is termed as evil. It becomes essential for us to look at the 'big picture' or the 'whole picture' before we define something as good or evil. All of us are capable of both good and evil.
All the religions of the world have varying definitions for the concepts of good and evil. According to Buddhism, good is the fundamental nature of enlightenment or the freedom which results from the knowledge of 'self'; evil is the delusion which human minds and hearts face causing a negation of the potential for enlightenment and suffering for self and others.
According to the Hindu mythology, Lord Siva, had drunk the poison (which is meant to represent the evil of the world) in order to bring back the good in the world. Lord Siva is said to be the lord of death and destruction... but without the death can there be birth.. without destruction can there be synergy... No, without one the other is incomplete. Similarly, good and evil co-exist in nature.... the meek looking sparrow feeds on the insects.. making it evil?
While Hitler has been disgraced as the most foul evil to walk the Earth, Asoka (a famed Indian king) has been celebrated as a great hero. The difference between the two... while former had not repented for his actions, the latter had... so is repentance is the key difference between good and evil.
I think not. The difference lies in realization and taking the responsibility of the actions taken.
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