Time.... time is a great healer.
It sits by us when all we wish to do is wallow in our sorrow - allowing us to cry the pain out, get healed. It flits with us in the moments of joy, seemingly passing in seconds when we are happy, making the time so short.
Things which seem to over-power us at a given moment, appear to be trivial, non-relevant few moments later. The anger, the jealousy, the heart-aches - all become neither relevant nor important, and very often get relegated to such dark recesses of our mind that we do not even recall why we had thought these to be important; why did these cause so much of agony.
Time helps to give a new perspective to things. Things which keep you awake in the middle of nights, giving you cold sweats, time holds your hand, making you stronger while you are over-coming the paralyzing fears. Time is always there as a patient friend, waiting for you get a move on.
It does not abandon you till the last. The opportunities keep on presenting themselves in one form or another, it is our own fear that stops us from grabbing these and making the most of them. Time becomes just a scapegoat for us.
Time moves on if we do not keep pace with it. That is its nature. Just like a river only knows how to flow onward, time also knows only to move on.
As it moves on, it wipes our tears, makes the smiles go deep in our souls, fashions us into a more mature us, forges a deeper connection of ours with the surroundings, synthesizing us into better human beings.
It sits by us when all we wish to do is wallow in our sorrow - allowing us to cry the pain out, get healed. It flits with us in the moments of joy, seemingly passing in seconds when we are happy, making the time so short.
Things which seem to over-power us at a given moment, appear to be trivial, non-relevant few moments later. The anger, the jealousy, the heart-aches - all become neither relevant nor important, and very often get relegated to such dark recesses of our mind that we do not even recall why we had thought these to be important; why did these cause so much of agony.
Time helps to give a new perspective to things. Things which keep you awake in the middle of nights, giving you cold sweats, time holds your hand, making you stronger while you are over-coming the paralyzing fears. Time is always there as a patient friend, waiting for you get a move on.
It does not abandon you till the last. The opportunities keep on presenting themselves in one form or another, it is our own fear that stops us from grabbing these and making the most of them. Time becomes just a scapegoat for us.
Time moves on if we do not keep pace with it. That is its nature. Just like a river only knows how to flow onward, time also knows only to move on.
As it moves on, it wipes our tears, makes the smiles go deep in our souls, fashions us into a more mature us, forges a deeper connection of ours with the surroundings, synthesizing us into better human beings.