March 26, 2012


Recently signed up for a web-magazine which is supposed to help give direction to people (like moi) who wish to pen down their thoughts and therein it had been suggested that one should try to write on given guidelines... reminded me about the School days when we were supposed to write essays, et al using "your" imagination.

That made me think; if I could just pick up a random topic and write something which made sense and more important.. was worth a read. I thought about that and I realized that I could do that (since I sometimes am plagued by verbal diarrhea.. I can see myself converting that into a written form with quite an ease).

So, starting today I'd try and write on a daily basis on a random topic or word

March 21, 2012

Living in age of FB

There is a strange tendency in netizens now-a-days, especially on social networking sites, like FB & twitter.... that of hsaring everything with the rest of the world...
I believe just like me, there are others who are not interested to find out as to whether you are cleaning your closets, or if you are at a wedding eating on all the goodies... sometimes yes, I love to find out what my friends are doing, but not every five minutes do I need an update on what is happening in their lives!!!

Why is there a growing trend in all of us (me included.. though I have cut down on the updates) of sharing our life and soul with people with whom we are but acquaintances??

Is it a need to share or is it more of a need to be re-assured that we are still liked by all we know.. a desire to be acknowledged or a hunger to be appreciated?

March 06, 2012


Truth.... the wikipedia gives it as;
"Truth has a variety of meanings, such as the state of being in accord with fact or reality. It can also mean having fidelity to an original or to a standard or ideal. In a common usage, it also means constancy or sincerity in action or character. The direct opposite of truth is falsehood, which can correspondingly take logical, factual or ethical meanings."

Truth for me has had different connotations as I have grown. As a child, I was a stickler for truth (the perfect spoiler of fun.. ahem..) I was the first one to tattle out the details of the fun time we all had had while playing.. who got pushed.. who shoved.. who did what.. coz till then my definition of truth was being honest and nothing else did matter to me... not even if what I had told caused a lot of pain {authentic and not figure of speech!! :) .. }

With age came the realization that it was not necessary that I told every itsy bitsy thing to my elders, and with that came the realization of a new definition of 'truth'... a definition which meant that there is a variation to the sentence 'whole thing, and nothing but the truth'.... was I learning to lie.. I don't think and feel so... I was merely learning to adapt to my surroundings.

The word truth has come to acquire a totally different meaning... 
Truth now is an expedient in the way I think about things.... so am I a hypocrite